Wednesday, September 3, 2008

an afternoon in the old city

Having read a few mouthwatering reviews and rants about Haji Noor Mohammed Biryaniwale near Turkman gate, we realized that we have to try it out. The auto-rickshaw dropped us off near the Romila grounds. Initial queries about Ellaichi Wali Gali met with blank stares, and we missed a few heartbeats. Braving the intense sun, we pushed forward lamenting the lack of a pavement or a covered walkway. Having reached the Turkman Gate, we enjoyed the historic gate for sometime --- more in its ruins rather than in its glory. There were plenty of fruit stalls around selling fresh fruits, but it was too early for a fruit break. After about 100m we found the famed Ellaichi Wali Gali, and the second store on the left was ... you know what. The initial impression was not good, but we were prepared for that. We went into the store past the giant pot of biriyani: at this point there was not too much aroma floating around. Biriyani sells here for Rs 60/kilo, we ordered two small plates wondering if it was all a mistake. The service was prompt, and the guy was very efficient. The first spoon of rice/biriyani was ... great, yummy, excellent. After a few spoonfuls, we decided it was finally time to try out the meat --- I wont even try to describe the feeling, since i dont know what to compare it to. One word of advice, if you are in the area, or for that matter in Delhi, give the place a try ignoring all odds. We ordered one more plate, and promptly cleaned it off. From there we went to Khadi Bauli for our spice shopping. On the way home, we had some lassi from Gyani and also were lucky to finally find ghantewalla -- yes their ladoos are really awesome. Too much good stuff for one day ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

... this was really a search of a hidden gem....and we succeeded!!