The food menu looked very expensive, but then we realized thats only for some special entrees. Most dishes were reasonable priced, given the setup. We order and waited in anticipation. Time went by and we chatted about this and that. Looked like the place is popular with young elite Delhi-ites, a category we dont usually rub shoulders with. The food arrived, and the first thing we noticed was the presentation --- very well done! Then comes the part why we go to a restaurant to begin with .. the taste. The chicken was well cooked and delicious. We both agreed its one of the best places we have visited in Delhi. It was an evening well spent, and were lucky to get some transportation back given it was quite late when we left the place. The place gave me a couple of ideas to try in the cooking front, should be fun.
Rating 4/5 (damage 575 pp.)
why don't you add some pictures? people who read your blog will have a better idea about this place as you are so much impressed about the decor.
pics really make your blog look so different and more interesting..
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